Follow the steps of Socrates' students and discover his messages.

A combination of solving riddles and treasure hunt will lead you to

discover the everlasting message of the great Greek philosopher.

A little bit before the great ancient philosopher Socrates had drunk the poisonous hemlock,

he asked his beloved students to visit the main areas he lived and taught in order

them to realize on their own, why he decided not to escape.

Socrates is one of the most important ancient philosophers and considered the father

of western philosophy.

He is one of the greatest figures of the Greek and world –wide minds.

His dialectic way, spiritual originality, educational methods and deeply ethical character

attracted students from whom he did not take any fee.

For political and antagonizing reasons he was falsely accused of not recognizing the Olympian gods

and so sentenced to death by drinking the poisonous hemlock.

Despite of all efforts of his students to save his life, he refused to escape and drank

from the cup filled with hemlock still teaching his philosophy calmly in those moments of his death.
